Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Reviewing somebody's paper

It is a great moment for researchers (at least for me) when you submit a paper to a scientific journal.

Of course it is the best moment when your paper is accepted to a journal, but submitting a paper means you finished your experiments and writing a manuscript and making figures, so I feel great when I submit my paper. (I am done!!)

When I was a Ph.D. student in Japan and submitted my paper to a journal, I was thinking like;
"Who will review my paper?"
"How will they feel about my paper?"
"Come on! Give me positive comments!"

~~ Three years later ~~

Are you expecting your research paper to be reviewed by a famous Professor? Ah, I'm sorry. My boss is supposed to review your paper, but he is so busy writing a grant, so actually I'm reviewing your paper, who is a Japanese third year post-doc and who is not familiar with your research.

Who knows?

I'll give you some statistic data that my friend Dr. M told me the other day.
There were two posdoc Dr. S and Dr. T in my lab.
When my boss had to review a paper, he usually asked one of them to do it.
Dr. S was too nice. Most of the cases she ended up accepting a paper.
Dr. T was not nice at all. She never accepted a paper.

Me? I don't know. 20%?

Good luck!

Dr. R






少し前に同じ研究室の Dr. Mが教えてくれた情報を一つ紹介しよう。
うちの研究室には以前Dr. SとDr. Tがいて、ボスがレビューを頼まれたときはその2人のどちらかに頼んでいた。
Dr. Sは優しすぎる。ほとんどの場合、彼女はアクセプトしていたらしい。
一方Dr. Tは厳しく、彼女は一度もアクセプトしたことがない。



Dr. R

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