Monday, February 14, 2011

A rumor; You can't submit a K99/R00 more than twice?

In K Lab, which is next to our lab, there are a couple of Japanese postdoc. One of them (Dr. O) came and talked to me today and it sounded like he is going to submit a K99/R00 grant in June.

Oh My God. Did I already find a competitor? lol
No, it will be fine. He is working on cancer and I am not.

Anyway, today I will post an information that he told me.

He said, you can not submit a K99/R00 grant more than twice. NIH will review your application and you will have to revise it, since most of the time NIH doesn't accept the original application. That means you will submit a revised, improved application and then NIH will review it. If the improved application isn't good enough, you won't be able to submit the same grant FOREVER!!
I thought even when your application is rejected, you can try again and again as many as you want as long as it is less than 5 years since you get Ph.D.
But he said you can only submit a K99 grant twice in your life.

Is it true? IDK.

Dr. R

隣の Kラボに日本人ポスドクが数人いて、そのうちの1人(Dr. O)が今日ぼくに話しかけにきた。彼はどうやらK99/R00グラントに応募するようだった。



Dr. R

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